Weiou - View the world

価格 無料
開発者Weiou, Inc
リリース日2015-08-04 05:07:13
評価 評価が取得できませんでした。
互換性iOS 8.0以降が必要です。
iPhone、iPad および iPod touch 対応。
  • 2024-09-28 このアプリは現在ストアから情報が取得できません。削除された可能性があります。
Weiou – World Viewing Mobile Pictorial

(Pronunciation [wi:’ju:])

For 6 years we (weiou.org) have been working with college students to help the children in the rural area. Our book project has donated 3000+ books to help them to read and help them to explore all types of questions in their mind. Once in Jiangxi, south China, there were children asked our volunteer how the outside world looked like. The volunteer managed to answer the boundary-less question with photos in his cell phone. He showed the children the Potala Palace in Lhasa, the Merlion in Singapore and the Golden Gate Bridge in California, showed them pictures of deer, squirrels, and turkeys, and of rose bushes, sequoia, and fig trees. While the kids chattering “wow”, “what’s this”, “where is it”, the volunteer realized that besides reading books, the children need more to learn and to see. An app might be the solution. When the public help to share photos of what they see and where they travel, or anything they consider worthy, children can see those “what” and “where” with their own eyes. And they can “view” the world before they leave their village.

Hence this App, Weiou, the World Viewing Mobile Pictorial.

This may not seem to be a mass pain point or an essential need. But the continuous sharing of photos in the Weiou App tells us besides the need for the children’s knowledge thirst, it’s also the yearning of people who loves life and loves helping others.

After more than a year of hard work, we have created the first rural tourism exchange and marketing network, and have obtained multiple US patents. Mobile pictorials can be readily created at the fingertip and can spread much broader. Through the App, users can earn discounts with pictures when travelling; and businesses get curated and precise promotion by giving discounts to their customers.

This way pictures will help businesses to perform better and users to travel broader. We hope pictures can help connect the world and you, and hope people of different colors, races, religions and cultures understand each other, get inspired and find inner peace.

Welcome to join us. Let’s help and empower each other in the pursuit of the good life, and help children to have books to read and to “see” the world.

Thank you.

Function Specification:

1. Mobile pictorial, instant, handy and cross languages, channels and geo boundary. Several major social services are not available in certain countries. The Weiou App can help your works to reach more people.

2. Users can earn discounts with pictures when travelling and sharing.

3. Businesses get curated and precise promotion by giving discounts to their customers and spending less.

4. Geo-tagged photos, travel planning, the first rural tourism exchange and marketing network.

Fix bugs and enhance the user experience。
  • 現在ランキング圏外です。
更新日時:2024年9月28日 08時48分




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