Balance Studios, Inc. 提供アプリ一覧

[ ビジネス ]
Ever wonder what your home would look like with stamped concrete? Find out with StampApp. Using advanced Augmented Reality technology, you can create your ow...
[ 教育 ]
The Oneida ColAR Children's AR Coloring App showcases healthy choices in a fun coloring experience. Visitors to OCHC are given one of three pages to color...
[ ゲーム ]
An educational game focused on the emerging concept of agrivoltaics in collaboration with a team of University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign researchers. The ...
[ 教育 ]
Embark on this thrilling adventure searching the halls for animals hiding in port holes. When you see an animal, take your smart phone and see the animal co...
[ 教育 ]
Riveredge Mobile app allows visitors to bridge the nature they find out their backdoor with the environments at Riveredge Nature Center. This application can...
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