Yuhsiu Lai 提供アプリ一覧

[ 教育 ]
This app is a backup power capacity calculator for Fire Alarm and Security Systems. Batteries are used to provide the Fire Alarm and Security Systems with ...
[ 教育 ]
This app is a set of guidelines to help you understand residential electrical wiring according to the electrical code. . It uses a sample wiring plan for i...
[ 教育 ]
This app is a collection of sample electrical load calculations with step-by-step explanations. Each step is accompanied with the applicable code requiremen...
[ 教育 ]
This tool will assist you in creating your own electrical plans. This app is most useful for capturing existing or new electrical layouts of residential an...
[ 教育 ]
This app is a library of illustrations and workflow diagrams to help you understand and apply the essential electrical code requirements quickly and accurate...
[ 教育 ]
This design tool performs residential electrical service and feeder load calculations as per the electrical code. It also comes with electrical construction...
[ 教育 ]
This app is a collection of electrical layout drawings for various types of floor plans for both residential and commercial dwellings. It also comes with el...
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