Brice Rosenzweig 提供アプリ一覧

[ ユーティリティ ]
MacroDial is a tool to help edit and automatically change numbers according to some rules based on the way you want to call: IDD, calling card, corporate acc...
[ ヘルスケア/フィットネス ]
WARNING: The current version due to an API change will currently not see any existing history of your activities for Garmin, but only download activities don...
[ 開発ツール ]
FitFileExplorer is a simple open source utility to open Fit files on your mac. The goal of the utility is to show all the information in the fit file as is....
[ 開発ツール ]
Shapefile Explorer is a simple open source utility to let you explore shape file (.shp) and their complements .dbf and .shx files. Press the open button to ...
[ 天気 ]
Mental Crosswind is a simple application for student pilot who struggle to quickly process in their head what a wind announcement from the tower means in ter...
[ ナビゲーション ]
This app is intended to simplify the workflow of synchronising garmin G1000 and perspective flight log from the cockpit to different devices. It also helps...
[ 旅行 ]
FlyFun Boarding Pass - Your Entertaining Flight Buddy Who says boarding passes are only for big airlines? Embrace the fun side of flying with FlyFun Boardin...
[ 開発ツール ]
This is a companion app for the RemoteStash open source tool. The RemoteStash tool provide functionality to share pictures, text and other data between your...
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