BVG Software Group LLC 提供アプリ一覧

[ ゲーム ]
雌牛を倒してみたいと思ったこと、ありませんか? 雌牛が砂漠に倒れる時には一体どんな音がするのか? 雪の上に倒れた時には!? その答えが今日分かります!レーザー機能を...
[ メディカル ]
Eye Tracking it's a medical research app. It following an eye and used to evaluate a clinician’s eye movements. It is a process during which application dete...
[ ゲーム ]
Go raid! Kill enemies! Avoid the rocky coasts! Gameplay: Your mission is to score as many points as possible by destroying enemy pillboxes, gunboats, planes...
[ ゲーム ]
You'll be surprised how fun a game can be! FarmZilla is awesome, and needs to be a part of your game collection. The object of the game is to match vegetab...
[ ゲーム ]
Ever wanted to tip a cow? Well, this is yer lucky day, partner. With our magic slingshot you can tip all them mad cows as they amble across your screen. Find...
[ 辞書/辞典/その他 ]
Приложение преднозначено для водителей. Оно содержит пошаговые инструкции поведения при ДТП. При отсутствии потерпевших есть возможность оформить дорожно-т...
[ ゲーム ]
Who is a mechanic without technology? Why do we need a gunner without a machine gun? What is a pilot capable of without a helm? That is why they are together...
[ ビジネス ]
AB Soft is the leading Ukrainian IT brand and innovative software development company. Stay updated with the latest AB Soft news, events and open positions u...
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