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[ ミュージック ]
������������ SILENT RINGTONE������������ TOP MUSIC CHART IN 25 COUNTRIES!! From now on you can ignore unwanted calls, text messages with the Silent Ringtone. No more annoying sound from unwanted caller. No need to mute the whole phone just to ignore only one person. You can just use silent sound from this app to silence unwanted number. Choose silent sound > sync to your device > assign to unwanted number. "An new useful and charming music app for your iPhone - Best10Apps.com" ������������������������������ Features ���...
[ エンターテインメント ]
NOTE: This app is for entertainment purposes only! ������������ Get it now while it's FREE! ������������ Take a picture of your palm and instantly get a detailed reading about all aspects of your life! Sample Readings: ������ Your fate line shows you have much to look forward to in life. ������ Your health line says it would be good to have healthier habits. ������ Your heart line shows there is a strong desire of love within you. Features:  ������ Over 100 possible readings  ������ Fun to play with  ������ Prank your friends ...
[ スポーツ ]
������������在无产阶级文化大革命中,人们对毛主席语录奉若神明。大约在一九六六年的六、七月份,劫夫等为毛主席语录谱写的歌曲发表了,人们手捧红彤彤的《毛主席语录》,高唱着语录歌,投身到破四旧运动;红卫兵高唱着语录歌,叱咤风云,革命串连;高唱着语录歌,向着封、资、修猛烈开火……语录歌,就是战歌,就是力量 ������软件简介: -独家音质,保证清晰 -新增摇一摇随机换曲目 -支持本地播放,无需联网 -支持后台播放 -支持定时关闭功能 -支持连续播放 -自动保存上次播放记录 如有闪退问题,请尝试更新您设备的iOS版本到最新版。 苹果相关内容讨论组,暨本应用支持QQ群:8694947 苹果相...
[ 旅行 ]
������������主席是诗人啊!像毛选里多有诗一般的语言。可以说内容博大精深,思想境界高超,气势雄伟磅礴。 ������毛主席诗词是指毛泽东创作的旧体诗词作品。至20世纪70年代末期,发表的共43首,其中诗14首,词29首。后来,在与毛泽东同时代人的回忆文章中,又披露了毛泽东另外一些诗词。由刘先银编审编著的达到129首。毛泽东怀着巨大的激情,按照写诗的艺术规律,运用形象思维创造的。贺敬之评述毛泽东诗词时曾这样说:“毛泽东诗词以其前无古人的崇高优美的革命感情、遒劲伟美的创造力量、超越奇美的艺术思想、豪华精美的韵调辞采,形成了中国悠久的诗史上风格绝殊的新形态的诗美,这种瑰奇...
[ ブック ]
������������知青老歌,环绕耳边,催人泪下,激人奋进,倾听那个年代的真实,在此向所有的知青敬礼。祝福您们。是您们用辛勤的汗水,清澈的心灵在农村的广阔天地里奏响了一曲理想之歌。 ������软件简介: -独家音质,保证清晰 -新增摇一摇随机换曲目 -支持本地播放,无需联网 -支持后台播放 -支持定时关闭功能 -支持连续播放 -自动保存上次播放记录 如有闪退问题,请尝试更新您设备的iOS版本到最新版。 苹果相关内容讨论组,暨本应用支持QQ群:8694947 苹果相关内容微博,暨本应用支持微博:http://weibo.com/idevicehome
[ 仕事効率化 ]
Voice Dictation for Notes is a revolutionary app it's 5 times faster and more accurate than any of the other dictation apps. Your text is displayed in real time 148Apps : "The benefit to being too straightforward is that Voice Dictation for Notes is incredibly easy to use after some initial setup. Anyone can transfer their words to their Notes" Lifehacker: "Voice Dictation for Notes Translates Your Voice into Notes and Sends It to Virtually Any Other iPhone App" Here’s another amazing way to get things done: just use your voice...
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