Tim Pelton 提供アプリ一覧

[ 教育 ]
MathTappers: ClockMaster is a game designed to help children make the connection between hours and minutes and to help them become fluent in both reading and...
[ 教育 ]
MathTappers: Find Sums – learn basic facts for addition and subtraction Version 2.0 Description MathTappers: Find Sums is a simple game designed to help le...
[ 教育 ]
MathTappers: Fraction Estimation is designed to help learners to build their intuitive understanding of fractions by helping them to relate fractions (both s...
[ 教育 ]
Our MathTappers: Carbon Choices app is designed to help users (middle school students) become more aware of the amount of C02 equivalent (C02e) pollution int...
[ 教育 ]
MathTappers: Numberline is a learning game that challenges players to find the locations of numbers on a numberline. This game allows players to develop th...
[ 教育 ]
MathTappers: Multiples is a simple game designed first to help learners to make sense of multiplication and division with whole numbers, and then to support ...
[ 教育 ]
MathTappers: Equivalents challenges players to find groups of tiles (pairs or triples) showing equivalent fractions, decimals, and/or percents. To assist the...
[ 教育 ]
MathTappers: FindAngle is a free app designed to help you to practice and improve your angle estimation skills. FindAngle is a simple game to help you impr...
[ 教育 ]
MathTappers: MultiMatch, challenges players to clear an array of cards by finding and removing sets of related cards. A sample game deck is included—Factors ...
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