Cinderella : 3D Pop-up Fairy Tale Lite

価格 無料
開発者CluePoint Co., Ltd.
リリース日2012-08-03 08:04:53
評価 評価が取得できませんでした。
互換性iOS 4.2以降が必要です。
iPhone、iPad および iPod touch 対応。
  • 2024-09-27 このアプリは現在ストアから情報が取得できません。削除された可能性があります。
※Do you want to see, hear and play with your kids?
Here we have for you 'Cinderella'.

Cinderella consists of 3D pop-up scenes with RPG (character role-playing game) elements of the characters in combination with interaction for young readers (interaction between user and computer). Children can experience the pleasure of game and education effect at the same time.

Sit down with your child as you are running the apps, and talk about what lessons Cinderella is telling us while listening to the music and touching the interesting objects inside it. It will be a valuable time for your child to cherish for lifetime.

Charles Perrault’s Cinderella has been redefined with fun and exciting pop-up scenes like 'Cleaning the floor', 'Getting help from a fairy', ' Dancing with the prince at a ball', 'Getting home leaving a glass slipper behind’, ' Finding the owner of the slipper ',' Reunion with the prince'. Have fun completing the wonderful story by touching and moving the characters and objects with the exciting themes!

"It is a great app for children to practice reading and using their animation, and a great tool for parents to help better their children’s reading and comprehension skills." - August 14th, 2012 -By

"The Cinderella 3D Popup Fairy Tale app is a storybook for your children, only with a lot of interactions that will bring the story alive and make your children a part of it."
-16. AUG, 2012 -By

"If you have a child aged between 3-5, perhaps learning to read, love books and like being read to,this is a fun little app to occupy them with." - Thursday, August 9th, 2012 -By Paul Wilks,

※ Features:
- Full 3D experience - It’s just like a real book, Lifelike 3D Pop-up scenes filled with beautiful illustrations and music
- Touch or drag interactive elements in the 3D pop-up scenes
- Fun and exciting interactivity to enhance the liveliness of the story theme
- Fancy and lovely characters popping up out of the impressive scenes of the stories
- Three dimensional rotation effect for a natural reading experience
- The classical version of “Cinderella” written by Charles Perrault

※ Intended for:
- Kids ages 3-9 (Preschool-aged)

- The Ant and The Grasshopper : Interactive 3D Pop-Up Book
- Cinderella : Interactive 3D Pop-up Fairy Tale
- Puss in Boots : Interactive 3D Pop-up Fairy Tale
- Thumbelina : Interactive 3D Pop-up Fairy Tale

※ More Information :
- Website :
- FaceBook :
- YouTube :

(Book Type : 3D Pup-Up Book, eBook, Story Book, Toddler Book, English Audio Book, Reading Book, Fairy tale book for kids

  • 現在ランキング圏外です。
更新日時:2024年9月27日 14時13分




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