Box of Sox HD

価格 120円
開発者HD Interactive
リリース日2011-05-07 08:25:02
評価 評価が取得できませんでした。
互換性iOS 4.3以降が必要です。
iPhone、iPad および iPod touch 対応。
  • 2024-09-27 このアプリは現在ストアから情報が取得できません。削除された可能性があります。
Box of Sox is a fast paced matching game based on the universal question every person with feet has faced in their lifetime: Why is there always an unmatched sock left when the laundry is done?

You opened the dryer door and socks of every color and style are flying on the floor of the laundromat. Act quickly to make matched pairs before you are buried in laundry and lose the game! Match pairs fast enough, and you'll score points and challenge more difficult levels.

Lively, professional illustrations with socks of every style:

- wild stripes that would make a certain Dr. Seuss character proud
- athletic socks, from modern ankle socks to the 70's knee high stripes
- holiday themes, from Halloween Jack O' Lantern to Valentine's Day hearts
- blue, brown and grey dress socks for the professionals
- argyle in navy, orange, and purple for the Scottish golfers
- military issue camouflage for those serving in the armed services or hunting in the woods

Each level gives you five socks in the Challenge Row. You'll need to find a matched pair for each of these five socks to move on to the next level. Way more fun than doing the laundry, and we've already washed all the sox, er, socks, for you!

You'll also need to quickly match other pairs to keep the floor from filling with socks. Don't forget about the Challenge Row, but keep the floor clean! When the floor is full, you've been buried in laundry, and the game is over.

You'll love Box of Sox if you enjoy games like Mahjong, Tetris, Bejeweled, and Solitaire.

Thanks for playing! We appreciate your reviews and comments on the AppStore, and hope you enjoy Box of Sox!

Now works on iPad 3
  • 現在ランキング圏外です。
更新日時:2024年9月27日 22時27分




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