
価格 200円
開発者Ladd Usher
リリース日2010-01-29 19:35:44
評価 評価が取得できませんでした。
互換性iOS 以降が必要です。
iPhone、iPad および iPod touch 対応。
  • 2024-09-28 このアプリは現在ストアから情報が取得できません。削除された可能性があります。
What is it?

Mine-1-1 is an App that determines your current location, generates a link to Google Maps with your location information and then forwards it to a person, or persons, of your choice via email and/or SMS.

Why would You want it?

Have you ever needed to let someone know where you are but they aren’t answering your calls? Or perhaps you are driving and a 1-button solution to send your location is a much safer alternative than trying to select a contact and place a phone call. (And certainly much safer than trying to text from behind the wheel!)

Do you have a teenage son or daughter? You want them to let you know when they arrive at the party or movie theater but they complain that it is just too “uncool” to have to “check in” with their parents in front of their friends!

Maybe you or a loved one are in a situation that is uncomfortable and making a phone call is not an option, or no one is answering! But letting someone know where you are is critical!

And of course there are some times when you are trying to meet someone somewhere and they can’t seem to find you. A link to a map can often explain where you are much clearer than you can.

Why it’s better?

First, Ease of Use!
Mine-1-1 is designed to be as easy to use as you choose. Want it to send your location when started without having to do anything else? It’s easy. Want it to delay that send for a few seconds so it has a better location accuracy? No problem. Mine-1-1 can send email and/or SMS messages with ZERO configuration on your part! No need to know your email setting information for it to work. (Do you know your SMTP server off the top of your head? Port numbers?) No worries with Mine-1-1!

Second, Flexibility!
* Mine-1-1 allows you to choose what contacts are your default recipients. You also have the option of sending an email to the recipient or an SMS text message. (Or both!) Your recipients are saved and available without ever having to select them again.
* Set your default subject line only once.
* Would you like to edit the message and change the defaults? There’s a button for that! This will populate the email from your defaults and bring up the iPhone email application. You can easily change who it’s going to, the subject, and the body text. (Note: This does NOT use the zero configuration option. You must have a valid email account set up on your phone to send from the edit screen.)

Third and most important, Tracking!
Mine-1-1 will send your location on the interval you select. It is also designed to minimize battery consumption while active (GPS updates are turned off between intervals, and the phone can have the screen put to sleep while Mine-1-1 will still function, etc.) but any application running continuously will consume the battery.

Mine-1-1 has a contact form built in. If you have any feedback regarding the App we would love to hear from you. Ideas for making it better? How you have used Mine-1-1? Please let us know.

Added Language: German

Changed message delivery to properly handle international characters.
  • 現在ランキング圏外です。
更新日時:2024年9月28日 02時17分




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