Muscle Man Home & Gym Workout

価格 無料
100.0MB (ダウンロードにWIFIが必要)
開発者Appostafat GMBH
リリース日2020-08-25 16:00:00
評価 評価が取得できませんでした。
互換性iOS 12.0以降が必要です。
iPhone、iPad および iPod touch 対応。
Muscle Man is a personalized workout and meal plan app for men that helps you get Cut, Muscular and Bulk. A good Workout Plan needs a healthy Meal Plan with high protein recipes to get the most out of your workouts. That’s why Muscle Man generates a customized meal plan depending on your diet & goal.

Muscle Man has everything you need to achieve your dream body but is also really simple to use and adapt to your lifestyle. With workouts for men in like: weight loss plans, muscle gain exercises, and the custom meal plans for men you are guaranteed to see results in 3 to 5 weeks.

By asking you a few questions at the beginning of your journey MuscleMen is able to generate personalized workouts for men that work with your body type and fitness habits to give you the body of your dreams.

With more than 150 exercises, Muscle Man creates personalized workout plans for every week so you stay at the top of your game and continue improving your physique. Each workout for men lets you know how long the workout is, how many calories you burn by doing it, which muscles you’re targeting and if you can do it at home or at the gym. You can always modify the difficulty of your workout for men and listen to your favorite music while doing them.

With Muscle Man you can always know if you’re close to achieving your goals, how your performance compares to that of a previous period and a lot more. With My Journey on Muscle Man, you can see how much you have worked out that particular day, how many calories you’ve burned, how many steps you have walked, how much water you have drunk and seen your progress with Progress Pictures. The best thing about My Journey on Muscle Man is that you can see your progress on a weekly, monthly, or yearly basis compared to the previous period.

The personally-tailored meal plans are created so you can get all the nutrition you need to lose weight, build muscle and become bulk. Muscle Man generates meal plans depending on your diet, be that Normal, Vegetarian, Vegan, or even Keto. All the meal plans have one thing in common. They are made of incredibly delicious recipes that at the same time are healthy and contain the necessary nutrition to help you achieve your goals. In addition, Muscle Man has 500+ healthy recipes that are full of protein.

Muscle Man app has Apple’s HealthKit integrated. The app will provide calories and step counting metrics for all exercises and workouts.

Read our full Terms and conditions & Privacy Policy:

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Get fit & Muscular with Muscle Man today.
Start Working Out Now!

Good news: Getting in shape doesn't have to be complicated.

We added new Workout Plans to help you lose weight and boost your immune system. And with our new 150 Exercises that we added to our library, you can train anywhere, either at home or at the gym.
Plus, our new Workout view will help you even more through your training. So whether you're a beginner or a seasoned pro, we've got you covered.

Yours in solidarity,
Muscleman App Team

If you're having issues or need help with the new update contact our support team over at
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