Pic Journal

価格 無料
開発者Maochen Wang
リリース日2017-12-17 04:06:27
評価 評価が取得できませんでした。
互換性iOS 10.3以降が必要です。
iPhone、iPad および iPod touch 対応。
Pic Journal allows you to record every footstep of your travel and save them in picture journals. The journals are stored in separate albums in your phone in chronicle order.

You can create a picture journal by giving it a name such as "Hawaii trip 2018". You can add entries to the journal by taking a picture or choosing a picture from your photo library. You can add texts in different color/font/size under the picture to record what the picture is about or your feelings at that moment. You can tap and hold to move the text anywhere on the picture.

The location and date are automatically filled if you have enabled location service for Pic Journal. (The location and date can be changed or deleted by tapping on them.) Remember to save the entry to the journal. You can also share the entry on social platforms.

You can view the list of journals with thumbnails of the first five entries in that journal. You can use the search bar to filter on the name of the journal for quicker access. You can update the name of the journal or delete the journal altogether. Note that only the album will be deleted and not the picture entries. (This is consistent with the album deletion behavior of your photo library)

You can browse each entry in a journal by swiping left or right. You can delete an entry anytime by pressing the delete icon. This will remove the picture from your photo library or print an entry by pressing the share icon.

You can also view the journal in slideshow with adjustable auto scrolling speed. (You can show the slideshow on Apple TV by connecting your phone to an Apple TV)

*** NEW ***
You can generate a video made of all the photos in a journal (Maximum 200 photos for performance reasons ) and share it.

If for any reason you have deleted this app and later want to use it again you can add a new journal and use the name of your existing album as the journal name. By doing this, the pictures in the album will be automatically loaded into the journal. You won't need to add them one by one.

If you have any feedback/suggestions, please share with me through our Facebook page. https://www.facebook.com/buggieland

- Fixed a regression bug that the text view is hidden behind the keyboard on edit view.
  • 現在ランキング圏外です。
更新日時:2024年9月28日 02時18分




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