フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ フード/ドリンク ]
Bring your bar to the cutting edge of technology with Coaster! Coaster lets customers order and pay for drinks right from their phone! Delight your customers by providing a service they love and eliminate the hassle of dealing with credit cards. Coaster takes care of any chargebacks and covers all credit card fees. That's right, you pay 0% credit card fees!!! With the Coaster Tender iPad app, you can set up your bar's menu and be up and running with Coaster in a matter of minutes. We have a huge database of spirits, beers, wines ...
[ フード/ドリンク ]
coaster (コースター) で世界のクラフトビールをあなたへ。 東京都内(新宿区・渋谷区・目黒区・港区・千代田区・中央区)で、いつでも・どこでも好きなときに、ご注文が可能です! coaster (コースター) なら: • 1本単位から注文可能です • 会員登録、ログイン、クレジットカード情報は必要ありません • キャンセル料もかかりません 好きなとき、好きな場所で厳選されたクラフトビールをお愉しみいただけます。 ホームパーティー、会社のイベント、1人で静かに愉しみたいときなど、様々なシチュエーションでご利用いただけます。 coaster (コースター) とは: 世界で人気のク...
[ ゲーム ]
Do you enjoy thrills and taking risks? Above all, do you enjoy roller coasters? Then Runner Coaster is made for you. Avoid many obstacles and take risks in this agility and speed game. Will you be able to bring your passengers to the end of each attraction? Each level has its own challenges. You will have to drive your wagons to avoid the bombs and impasses that will unfold during the ride. Don't forget to gather the people on your way if you want the reward to be higher, as passengers will be waiting for you along the loopings. ...
[ ゲーム ]
Take Snoopy, Charlie Brown, Linus, Lucy and Peppermint Patty on the wildest rollercoaster ride on the App Store. This app offers in-app purchases. You may restrict in-app purchasing using your device settings. Featuring the iconic original artwork of the universally adored Peanuts comic, Snoopy Coaster is a must-have for fans everywhere. • HIGH SPEED SNOOPY Rocket through familiar Peanuts themed stages including a pumpkin patch, theme park, village and more! • COLLECTORS ITEM Leap from track to track and collect coins as y...
[ ゲーム ]
コースター! パンダ! ゾンビ! チアリーダー! 爆発! 「ローラーコースタータイクーン® 3」と「ロストウィンズ®」 の制作会社がお送りする、これまでにないローラーコースターゲームが登場。出演するのは、おばあちゃんに気違い科学者、ゾンビ、会計士、乗り物酔いした人、宇宙人、そして… なんと、羊も。 美しい3Dの画面を指でなぞって自分の想像通りのローラーコースターを作ったり調整しよう。  誰にでも簡単にプレイできるこのゲームで、長い、短い、速い、現代風、木製、クレイジー、等々… 色々なコースターを作って乗って、衝突させよう。 物理ベースで簡単に楽しく...
[ ゲーム ]
Experience the real life sensation of this 3D roller coaster and an exciting environment with your mobile virtual reality headset for Google Cardboard or any mobile virtual reality headset. Get ready for limitless Virtual Reality, powered by Wearality: www.wearality.com *Tap with 1 finger to re-calibrate the forward direction. *Tap with 2 fingers to restart the ride! Features: -Google Cardboard powered stereoscopic rendering and head tracking for mobile VR. -Exciting VR roller coaster experience with loops and dives. -Vast, rand...
[ エンターテインメント ]
「スピード感がすごい!」「本当に乗ってるみたい!」自宅で非現実的なジェットコースターを疑似体験! 今までに体験したことのないジェットコースターのスリルと快感を楽しめる、 迫力の3Dジェットコースターシミュレーターアプリです。 -------------------------------------------------------- 「この度は、ご乗車ありがとうございます。 NEWアトラクション『ROLLER COASTER SURPRISE』の ご説明をさせていただきます」 -------------------------------------------------------- 疾走感溢れる映像と振動、音声などiPhoneの機能を駆使した、 いつでもどこでも、まるでジェ...
[ ゲーム ]
VR Roller Coaster is a breathtaking 360 VR simulation of a crazy amusement ride. Compatible with any VR headset (like Google Cardboard), this game sets another level of thrill and excitement in virtual reality. Roller Coaster — virtual reality game. VR Roller Coaster simulates one of the world’s most popular and thrilling rides. We step up the thrill of a traditional roller coaster by taking it to the extreme in virtual reality. Buckle up as ahead of us we’ve got looney drops, lightning-fast speed and craziest track twists one co...
[ ゲーム ]
*** CRAZY COASTER !*** From handloft, we come the newest and most exciting world-evil advanture! One day, the world is swallowed by the darkness and filled with devil. Seven young people find they are the last men. They come together, drive the coaster, and begin the venture to find the secret in the dark. Crazy Coaster is an action and adventure game. The brave young men as drive the crazy coaster and avoid the cliff! Travel through portals to visit evil world, ghosts, witches, devils, demons, vamp...
[ ゲーム ]
Wanted: Daredevil to ride dangerous jumping roller coaster with missing track sections. Safety not guaranteed. Apply within. The coaster starts out innocent enough with a little hill section. No big deal, right? But wait, why is the character wearing a helmet? And where is that next piece of track? JUMP! You'll have to stay on your toes if you want to stay on the track, Daredevil Coaster is filled with fast-paced, track-jumping, almost- falling, balloon grabbing fun! - Choose one of three coasters to tackle the track! - Hig...
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